
Tagged photos (28)

A Senecio sp (fireweed, Madagascar ragwort) with bright yellow petals and green foliage, set against a blurred background.
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A Senecio madagascariensis Poir (fireweed, Madagascar ragwort) with bright yellow petals and green foliage, set against a blurred background.
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A Blue mistflower (Praxelis clematidea, Ageratum conyzoides, or a Chromolaena hirsuta) with vibrant purple flowers and green foliage.
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A Zinnia peruviana with vibrant red petals and a central cluster of yellow central florets. The broad, overlapping petals create a striking contrast against the green foliage.
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A Zinnia peruviana with vibrant red petals and a central cluster of yellow stamens.
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A Emilia sonchifolia (Lilac Tassel, Flora’s Paintbrush) with vibrant pink flowers against a blurred water background.
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A Bidens pilosa L. (black-jack, beggar-ticks) infrutescence with spiky, barbed seeds against a blurred green background.
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A Tagetes sp (marigold) flower set, featuring vibrant orange petals with a yellow center, surrounded by green foliage and dry capitula.
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An Emilia sonchifolia (Lilac Tasselflower) with delicate purple petals, set against a backdrop of green leaves and stems, creating
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A Bidens pilosa L (black jack, beggar ticks) flower with small yellow florets and white petals, set against a backdrop of green leaves and stems.
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A Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican Sunflower) flower with bright yellow petals and a dense cluster of orange florets, set against a backdrop of green leaves and stems.
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A Bidens pilosa L. (Spanish needle, beggarticks) flower with small yellow florets and white petals, set against a blurred green and brown background.
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