Nature / Landscapes

(324) photos available in this category

A Talinum sp (Jewels of Opar) flower with vibrant pink petals and prominent yellow stamens against a painted plastered wall background.
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A Triumfetta sp (Burr Bush) inflorescence with vibrant yellow flowers and green foliage in a blurry soft focus background.
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A Mimosa pudica L (Sensitive Plant, Touch Me Not) inflorescence a spherical pink cluster with numerous filamentous stamens on a grassy field, set against a blue sky.
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A Bidens pilosa L. (black-jack, beggar-ticks) infrutescence with spiky, barbed seeds against a blurred green background.
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A Bauhinia variegata (orchid tree) with vibrant pink petals and a prominent stamen cluster, set against green foliage and a clear sky.
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A Brassica napus L. (canola, rapeseed) inflorescence with bright yellow flowers and green buds against a wasteland background.
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A Pelargonium peltatum (L.) L’Hér. (ivy geranium) flower with vibrant red petals, rounded leaves, and a central cluster of stamens, set against green foliage.
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A Dietes grandiflora (wild iris) flower with white petals, marked with yellow and violet, against green foliage.
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A Cordia superba Cham (Geiger Tree) flower, with a white crinkled petal texture and prominent yellow stamens, set against green leaves and buds.
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A Rosa (rose) with two vibrant red blooms, green leaves, against a blurred background of sky and land
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A Macroptilium atropurpureum (Siratro) flower with vibrant purple petals and a dry grass wasteland backdrop.
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A Canna indica (Indian shot) with vibrant yellow petals marked with red speckles, large green leaves against a brick wall.
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