


1. Standard license


This kind of license includes:


Images for advertising materials (up to 600 thousand print runs)

Images for apps (unlimited)

Images for website advertising (unlimited)

Images for social media (unlimited)

Images for email marketing (unlimited)

Images for TV, footage or movie (budget up to U$ 15,000.00)

Outdoor advertising (fairs/conferences, signaling, billboards, metro ads, etc. up to 600 thousand print runs)

Images for editorials (up to 600 thousand print runs)



Duration of the license everlasting  

Regions of use Worldwide

Advertising content unlimited 

Editorial content Up to 600.000 print runs

TV, online footage and movies Unlimited viewers (budgets of up to US $ 15.000,00)

Package labeling Not allowed

Decoration in commercial space Not allowed

Outdoor advertising (fairs/conferences, signaling, billboards, metro ads, etc. up to 600 thousand print runs) Up to 600.000 print runs



2. Restrict Use


2.1 Prohibition of illegal use: The images should not be used in pornographic, defamatory or any other content that violates the morals of third parties or institutions.

2.2 Sales prohibited: the commercialization and reproduction of images for profit purposes, in a manner that enables this material to be downloaded, extracted or copied is expressly prohibited.

2.3 Use in the production of trademarks prohibited: It is prohibited the use of the images as part of creation of trademarks, trade names and logos.

3.4 Disclaimer about Delicate Use: when encountering images that cause embarrassment to anyone, use the following warning: “Photos licensed and posed by professionals”)

3.5 Declaration of False Authorship: you may not reference your name as the author of an image that was not made by you through licensed content.


3. Number of Users


3.1 All images acquired through purchase in the website (packs and/or subscriptions) are licensed for only one user will be able to access the content and use it.


4. Intellectual Property Rights


4.1 All the images in this website belong to the intellectual property of Puma Picture or its associate contributors.

4.2 All photos must be credited in editorial, television, cinema and video formats as follows: “Name of the Artist/PumaPicture.com." .Other formats are exempt from credit: Advertising materials, Covers, Personalized Stationery, etc.)


5. Statements and Guarantees


5.1 Non-Violation Guarantee: The Puma Picture guarantees that any image provided here does not affect any moral and intellectual rights, and ensures the right to privacy and publicity. All the necessary authorizations are made in the case of models and / or property for commercial purposes. Puma Picture is exempt from any misuse of these images made by licensed users.


6. Suspension


6.1 Puma Picture may terminate any licenses before the end of the subscription period if any violation of this agreement and/or subscription abuse is perceived. In this case, you must immediately cease use of the content, delete or destroy any copies, confirm to Puma Picture in writing that you have met these requirements and pay Puma Picture any amounts that remain pending due to the end of your subscription period as defined in your invoice.




By registering on the website, you give the permission to use your personal data:


• Such as full name, telephone, email address, home address (country); age, gender; 

• To update your account information, please login (insert a redirect link on the website; 

• To provide you services, as well as to improve our products and services; 

• We will use your data only during the period of the service provision of the website. When you unsubscribe, we automatically will no longer use your data; 

• Under no circumstances, we sell or provide data about our customers and contributors to third parties, as the customers’ information is only in charge of Puma Picture. 

• Through Referral Programs, the user provides data from friends such as Full Name and E-mail address. This way, we can implement actions in order to make the referees join plans on the website 

• People under the age of 18 (eighteen) years of age cannot register on the website due to the non-compliance with the online purchase policy, what hinders their registration through the System.




Contributor Term of Service


This document is a term of commitment between Puma Picture and the contributor, where it will be described how the rights and duties of both parties will be defined. Read the following clauses carefully:




• The contributor who sends their material will be in agreement with the availability of the worldwide license, in a non-exclusive fashion. The contributor also grants Puma Picture the right to adjust the information of the images, such as category, description, type of image, etc. to disclose them on the website. These images are for commercial purposes only. 

• The images copyrights are the property of the photographer/contributor, and Puma Picture holds only the license to sell them. However, you renounce any rights relating to the reproduction of these images by the website customers. 

• Puma Picture will provide the contributor with terms of authorization for images that contain faces, birthmarks, tattoos and the like that can be interpreted and identified as human figure and images that contain any intellectual content such as architectural works, works of art and the like, that are under copyright; 

• The contributor is responsible for having the original documents of the authorization terms in his or her possession. 

• Authorizations with forged information and signatures are completely against the rules of the Contributor Term. If identifiable the violation and complaint by the model, the image will be removed from circulation until the contributor sends valid documentation. 

• Puma Picture is entitled to indefinitely suspend the registration of contributors who send violent, defamatory, and pornographic images that go against the values ​​of this term. If the website detects any activity of image artificial download automation from certain contributors for their own benefit, it will also have their registration suspended and will no longer be able to sell their images. You also may not have more than one account under the same name as the contributor. 

• Puma Picture has the right to delete certain images at any time, for any reason. You also have the right to use these images to conduct marketing campaigns on social networks. 




• Puma Picture will pay royalties to contributors through the following criteria:

The contributor will receive 10% royalties for the total value of up to 50 downloads of his or her images within the corresponding month;

The contributor will receive 15% royalties for the total value of the range between 51 and 100 downloads of his or her images within the corresponding month;

The contributor will receive 30% royalties for the total value of over 500 downloads of his or her images within the corresponding month;

• Compensation related to the previous month’s downloads will be issued on or about every 10th day of each month to the bank account previously registered by the contributor.

• If the contributor suddenly unsubscribes from Puma Picture services, he or she will receive the amount accumulated in their account until the termination date, and he or she can subscribe again at any time.




- The contributor has the option to grant the website up to 2 images free of charge out of their portfolio to make a Campaign to attract new customers. In return, the contributor signs a contract in common agreement that awards their images to the campaign in exchange for greater prominence of their work on the website.

NOTE: The contributor won’t receive any commission for these images, as they will be offered to the website free of charge.

- The contributor can choose to participate in a Referral Program, where he or she will receive 3% more in his or her commission for a new Customer registration and purchase on the website, 5% with two new registrations and 8% for three or more registrations.

NOTE: The contributor's bonus will be based on the first purchase of the referred customer.

- There is no limit of indications.



• The contributor declares to be at least 18 years of age by showing his or her official document.

• The criteria for uploading images to our website are: They must have good resolution (4 megapixels or more), not contain blurs, the main subject of the image or the whole image must be focused, they can not have color distortions, noise or grain in the images, unless they are perceived as the photographer's creative edition for the final result of the image itself.

• The relationship the contributor has with Puma Picture in any circumstances is characterized as an employment bond, sponsorship or any other link of any nature.




• The contributor allows to receive emails with documents, contracts, notices, notifications regarding their work with Puma Picture, as well as official documents for registration;

• Puma Picture is not responsible for the contributor not receiving such messages if his or her registered email address is incorrect, out of date or if there is any other connection issue or reasons outside our responsibility;

• The contributor is responsible for keeping documents and messages on file for any eventual claims made by Puma Picture.


This term is of mutual responsibility and rights with which both parties agree.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----




I, ……………………………………....., a Puma Picture contributor, grant the website 5 images from my Portfolio for their free commercialization in exchange for the greater prominence of my work within the Platform.






ADULT MODEL RELEASE (Over 18 years old)


I grant the right to use my personal image to Puma Picture website for commercial and promotional purposes, except for obscure and pornographic uses, to be employed in graphic elements, advertising, editorial, etc. I grant permission to the contributor/photographer, their legal attorneys and the company Puma Picture to license my image on the website and in advertising for commercial and publicity purposes.

I am aware that the copyrights of my image belong to the contributor/photographer and to Puma Picture, abdicating from both claiming the rights of its use at any time and requesting additional remuneration of any kind thereof.

I also agree that this term is irrevocable and that my image can be used for illustration, in association with texts and other images.

It is agreed that my personal data described here in this term will be exclusively used to authorize the usage of my image.

Through this term, I release and discharge the contributor, Puma Picture and their legal attorneys from misuse of my image by third parties (piracy or other unauthorized use of any kind).

I declare to be of legal age and able to sign the term. I also declare that I am fully aware of all the content described here and its compliance. This authorization will be binding on the model, me and my heirs, legal attorneys and attorneys-in-fact.


Contributor / Photographer Information

Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………………….....

Address: ………………………………………………………………

City: ……………………………………………

State/Province/Region/Department: ……………………………………………

Country: ……………………………………………….

Zip Code: ……………………………………..

Telephone: …………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………..

Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....




Adult Model Information


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………………….....

Date of Birth (DD / MM / YYYY) ………………………………….


Male Female Transgender

Home address: ………………………………………………………………

City: ……………………………………………

State/Province/Region/Department: ……………………………………………

Country: ……………………………………………….

Zip Code: ……………………………………..

Telephone: …………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………..




Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....



Model Racial and / or Ethnic Identification


We request some additional information about your physical characteristics for descriptive purposes and to enable greater precision in the website search engine (optional).


Select up to two characteristics you identify yourself with:




Caucasian (White)

Latin American

Hispanic / Latino

Middle East





I declare to be of legal age and to witness the signature of this term.


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………


Signature: …………………………………………..... Date: ………………………….




I grant the right of use on the Model’s behalf, for commercial purposes with promotional purposes (except for obscure and pornographic purposes), to be used in graphic pieces, advertising, editorial, etc. I grant permission on the model’s behalf to the contributor/photographer, their legal attorneys and the company Puma Picture to license the model’s image on the website and in promotions for commercial and advertising purposes.

I am aware that the copyrights of the Model's image belong to the contributor/photographer and Puma Picture, abdicating from both claiming the rights of its use at any time and requesting additional remuneration of any kind thereof.

I also agree that this term is irrevocable and that the model’s image can be used for illustration, in association with texts and other images.

It is agreed that my personal data described here in this term, as well as the personal data of the Model, will be exclusively used for restricted use of the term.

Through this term, on behalf of the Model, I release and discharge the contributor, Puma Picture and their legal attorneys from misuse of the model’s image by third parties (piracy or other unauthorized use of any kind).

I declare to be the model’s parent or guardian. I also declare that I am fully aware of all the content described here and the compliance thereof. This authorization will be binding on the model, me and my heirs, legal attorneys and attorneys-in-fact.


Contributor/Photographer Information


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………………….....

Address: ………………………………………………………………

City: ……………………………………………

State/Province/Region/Department: ……………………………………………

Country: ……………………………………………….

Zip Code: ……………………………………..

Telephone: …………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………..

Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....




Model Information


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………………….....

Date of Birth (DD / MM / YYYY) ………………………………….

Gender: Male Female

Observation: ………………………………………...


Model’s Guardian Information


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………………….....

Date of Birth (DD / MM / YYYY) ………………………………….

Gender: Male Female Transgender

Home address: ………………………………………………………………

City: ……………………………………………

State/Province/Region/Department: ……………………………………………

Country: ……………………………………………….

Zip Code: ……………………………………..

Telephone: …………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………..


Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....


Model Racial and / or Ethnic Identification


We request some additional information about the model’s physical characteristics for descriptive purposes and to enable greater precision in the website search engine (optional).


Select up to two characteristics you identify yourself with:




Caucasian (White)

Latin American

Hispanic / Latino

Middle East






I declare to be of legal age and to witness the signature of this term.


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………


Signature: …………………………………………..... Date: ………………………….




I grant the right to use my Property image to Puma Picture website for commercial and promotional purposes, to be employed in graphic elements, advertising, editorial, etc. I grant permission to the contributor/photographer, their legal attorneys and the company Puma Picture to license the image of my Property on the website and in advertising for commercial and publicity purposes.

I am aware that the copyrights of the image of my Property belong to the contributor/photographer and Puma Picture, abdicating from both claiming the rights of its use at any time and requesting additional remuneration of any kind thereof.

I also agree that this term is irrevocable and that the image of my property can be used for illustration, in association with texts and other images.

It is agreed that my personal data described here in this term will be exclusively used to authorize the usage of the image of my property.

Through this term, I release and discharge the contributor, Puma Picture and their legal attorneys from misuse of the image of my property by third parties (piracy or other unauthorized use of any kind).

I declare to be of legal age and able to sign the term. I also declare that I am fully aware of all the content described here and its compliance. This authorization will be binding on the model, me and my heirs, legal attorneys and attorneys-in-fact.


Contributor / Photographer Information


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………………….....

Address: ………………………………………………………………

City: ……………………………………………

State/Province/Region/Department: ……………………………………………

Country: ……………………………………………….

Zip Code: ……………………………………..

Telephone: …………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………..


Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....




Property Information


Select the property type:


Real estate (buildings, houses, sheds, backyards or any other construction that can be identified as real estate).


Intellectual (artistic works such as sculptures, drawings, tattoos, photographic prints, musical scores, scale models or any other creation that can be identified as visual arts).


Property Description ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….....

Property Address: ………………………………………………………….

City …………………………… State/Province/Region/Department: ……………………………….

Zip Code: …………………………………. Country: ……………………………………….


Legal Owner or Representative Information (private individual or legal entity)


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………………….....

Position / Sector (if a legal entity): …………………………………………….

Date of Birth (DD / MM / YYYY) ………………………………….

Gender (if a private individual): Male Female Transgender

Company name (if a legal entity) ………………………………………….....

Address: ………………………………………………………………

City: ……………………………………………

State/Province/Region/Department: ……………………………………………

Country: ……………………………………………….

Zip Code: ……………………………………..

Telephone: …………………………………………

Email: …………………………………………..


Signature: ……………………………………………… Date: ……………………….....




I declare to be of legal age and to witness the signature of this term.


Full Name (capital letter): …………………………………………………


Signature: …………………………………………..... Date: ………………………….