A Rosa (rose) with vibrant red petals, green leaves, and stems, set against a blurred background of dark pebbles and foliage.
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A Triumfetta sp (Burr Bush) inflorescence with vibrant yellow flowers and green foliage in a blurry soft focus background.
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A Ludwigia peruviana (Peruvian Primrose-willow, Water Primrose) with vibrant yellow flowers and green leaves by water.
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A Chloris virgata plant with long, slender green leaves and feathery, elongated seed heads. The backlit sun creates a warm, golden hue, highlighting the delicate structure of the seeds.
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A Tabebuia roseoalba (White Trumpet Tree) in full bloom, showcasing clusters of white flowers against a clear blue sky.
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A Caesalpinia pulcherrima (Pride of Barbados, Dwarf Poinciana) flower stem with vibrant red-orange flowers and prominent long red stamens against greenery.
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A Crotalaria spectabilis (showy rattlepod, showy crotalaria) cluster with vibrant yellow pea-like flowers and green foliage.
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A Zinnia peruviana with vibrant red petals and a central cluster of yellow stamens.
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A Oxalis triangularis A.St.-Hil. (purple shamrock) set of flowers with delicate white, pale pink petals and vibrant purple leaves, set against a blurred background.
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A Rosa sp (white rose) in a bloom outdoors in small town neighborhood. It has delicate white petals and green leaves, set against a blurred background
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A Canna sp (Indian Shot, Canna Lily) with vibrant red and orange petals, green foliage against a brick wall.
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A Anadenanthera colubrina (Angico, Cebil) flowerbud set with vibrant green spherical buds and pinnate leaves.
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