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A white, pink and red carnation or clove pink (Dianthus caryophyllus)
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A house silhouette on a town, its lamp post casting a gentle glow. Electric cables connects poles, while the sun setting hue paints the sky, with a scene of tranquil beauty as day fades into night.
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A vibrant purple, three-petaled Tradescantia pallida var. purpurea flower with prominent yellow stamens, nestled among dark purplish foliage.
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An image of Ludwigia tomentosa (primrose-willow) displays its four broad yellow petals and green center, set at a lake’s edge, contrasting with the dark water and surrounding greenery.
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An anomalous Tridax procumbens (coat buttons) with fused capitula. The flower heads are conjoined, displaying a unique structure with multiple rings of ray florets, set against green foliage.
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An expansive field of Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane) with tall, green stalks stretching towards a blue sky dotted with white clouds. The dense crop showcases the robust growth of sugar cane.
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An expansive field of Sorghum bicolor (milo, sorghum) with tall, green stalks and clusters of grains against a cloudy sky. The dense crop showcases the robust growth typical of sorghum.
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A Melaleuca viminalis (Weeping Bottlebrush) inflorescence, featuring a vibrant red cylindrical brush-like cluster with numerous filamentous stamens, set against a backdrop of green leaves.
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A stunning sunset with radiant blight beams piercing through clouds above a silhouette of trees and a street. The sky is painted in hues of orange and yellow, creating a serene and picturesque scene.
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An Ipomoea (Morning Glory) flower with vibrant red petals and a yellow center, surrounded by green foliage and buds, creating a striking contrast against the lush greenery.
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A Bauhinia (orchid tree) flower with a Pentatomidae (stink bug) on it Bright pink petals contrast with the bug’s mottled brown exoskeleton
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